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This is such an intresting concept if you ever do make a book i would read it in a heartbeat!!!

Thank you!! Don’t know that I’d ever have the time to devote to writing a book, but I appreciate the sentiment!

(1 edit) (+1)

if there was some way to financially contribute to the game, I'd totally do it because Robin is a bae and I still think about them sometimes a few weeks after I've completed the available chapters :")

Aww, thank you so much for that! Honestly, your comment here is a great contribution and encouragement for me. (But if there was some way to contribute time and hours in a day, I’d be all over that.) 😅  I’m glad you enjoyed Robin’s route—they seem to get less attention than the other routes and I’m happy to hear they have their fans, too. Thanks for your support!


This was SO good! The story was really touching. I love how despite the world being so harsh and cruel you manage to create such a hopeful and warm story. I can't wait for more!

Thank you, I'm glad to hear that! That's what I wanted to convey. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment!


OMG!! this is the best game EVER! I can't wait for more❤️

Thank you so much!!


This is so good, and unexpectedly very... I don't know how to say it, engaging? I guess? Like, it almost feels like I am really a part of the world when I read the story. I've done Lion's route so far and I think I'll wait until the story is completed before I do everyone else's🤔 but yeah, I'm looking forward to the future updates!!

Thank you very much, I’m glad you felt immersed in the story! I try not to play faves (but Lion totally is) and I’m glad you enjoyed his route. The story will be finished this year and it won’t be terribly long, so you can easily play multiple routes once completed. I hope to release chapter 10 in a couple of weeks, 3 weeks tops. Thank you for your support!

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh I Absolutely ADORE This! I've Only Done Lion's Route So Far But I'm For Sure Going Try Them All At Least Once! I Love This Story And Can't Wait To See More! :D


Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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