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This is such a lovely story! Thank you! 


You’re welcome, and thank you for giving it a try and for taking the time to comment!


:3 Absolutely love this 10/10


Thank you!


I'm looking forward to the next update:3333 seriously can say that I'm a fan of you and interactive fiction after this


Oh, wow, thank you for the lovely compliment! The next update won’t be far off; finding the time to write can be tricky but I am committed to finishing this story this year! 


the way i devoured this in a day.......... um yeah this was fuckin stellar. great writing, great characters, great concept/setting. im in love, dude. 10/10


Welcome back, tranquility! That’s high praise, thank you very much!


Thank you so much for this incredible read! I hopped over from a comment in the Scout IF as well and I am not disappointed. I loved me some Lion from beginning to end and will definitely be replaying to try out the other RO's. I appreciate the time and energy you put into this work. As well as making each of the RO's someone I would hate passing up on. Keep up the good work! 


Aw, thank you! I appreciate you checking it out and taking the time to comment! I'm glad you're enjoying it!


Looove this!! Someone commented it under scout as a recommendation for those who missed it and I don't regret taking the time to read it. I did Lion's route first and Robin's second and they stole my heart. As someone nonbinary myself I just adore them so much and what they represent in a controlling society like this. This was some beautiful writing too. I ranted to my mother about the plot twist at the end, I wasn't expecting it at all but then I reread it with the robin route and it made so much sense! So exciting to see how this ends. I want to protect Fawn so bad and I'm scared you're setting her up for tragedy please don't hurt her!!! Robinmancer 4 life signing out ^_^


my only critique is that I feel like Ferret gets a bit sidelined despite her being a RO -- I enjoy her romance scenes but everyone else feels like they have more balance. I finished playing each route and Ferret's felt slightly incomplete compared to the rest. Her character on its own is lovely though. I really enjoy her characterization which is why I'm saying this. I hope she gets more content !


Hello, and thank you so much for giving my story a try! I've read Scout and it's very good, so that is quite the compliment! I'm also impressed with the author for having put forth that story at a time when the world was going to pot and we all needed something good, and I wish I had discovered her story, and IFs in general, back then.

I love finding Robinmancers! It was very important to me that I get their route and characterization right, and I really appreciate your words and the fact that it resonated with you. Thank you for letting me know!

I totally understand your feelings on Ferret; I worry the same, to be honest. She's introduced later than the others, but she's also, I think, the most complex RO, so naturally takes longer to get to know well. BUT! If you're on Ferret's route, you're gonna love Chapter 10! She definitely gets her screen time there and I'm loving how that scene is turning out.

That being said...

Erm, you're probably... most likely... kinda... definitely... gonna also hate Chapter 10. And me. For... other reasons in your comment.



You did so good with Robin! The way you portrayed the feeling of being nonbinary in a society arranged into male or female and the way you also portrayed their recent trauma. It was so good. I also love that mc calls them dearest <3 aughh I could go on and on!!! Their observant and thoughtful behavior sets them apart as well and makes them a unique character I think.

And awesome! Can't wait to see Ferret truly shine. 


NOOO!!!! I knew it I knew it. I fell to the floor in a target parking lot!!!!! My poor baby Fawn please no!!!!!

I don't know if I forgive you,...but I can appreciate your beautiful writing in getting me so attached to a character that I recognized her importance to the story and mc as a whole


I'm sorry but this game is CLEARLY meant dor women 😂

bc WHY WOULD I HOLD HANDS WITH THE BUILDER?? like f no keep your hand to yourself my guy 😂 talking about "grasp it firmly" or "grasp it nervously" like no thanks???

like it's such a shame the writing and story is really interesting but the player is a female pov


Men can’t hold hands? A non-binary person and a man can’t hold hands?

I can certainly add an option of not holding hands at all in that particular scene if you think your MC would not, because that is a valid point. But I respectfully disagree with your assumption. Thank you for giving my story a try. 😊

(1 edit) (-11)

sorry if I sound harsh I feel bad now lol but yeah men DO NOT hold hands UNLESS you know... they like men. you seem like a lovely person trying to create her story and I appreciate you for it. just yeah didn't like that part where I felt like a helpless girl being guided by my strong man 😂


and please don't feel bad bc of my comment your story is amazing

(2 edits) (+3)

Ah, ok, thank you for explaining. I didn’t realize it may come across as a helpless MC. I do want the MC to feel like your own so I don’t mind making changes, with that context in mind. I appreciate you clarifying. 

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

I appreciate the fact that you're actually willing to make changes and not like "this is my product take it or leave it" although you have all the right to do so

(3 edits) (+2)

To be fair, Lion is my boo and I do tend to write with a bias of him as the RO! 😅 I appreciate when others point that out, and I have no problem correcting it. Thank you! 


ok. im fuckin obsessed. love this love this love this.


Haha, I enjoyed this comment so much, you got me laughing! Thank you for reading and for  taking the time to comment!


I come back to after a few stressful weeks to find out this IF was update two weeks ago! You posted more chapters faster than I thought.

I'm certainly not complaining and I'm definitely not disappointed, though that cliffhanger should be illegal 😂. I'm glad to see my suspicions from when I first read this were correct, I can't wait to see how these interactions will develop.

I love the build-up these last two chapters make; while the chapters before that show the wonder and curiosity of the characters as they are exposed to all these new things, now you can see them starting to fully process just how restricted the people of the City are and the anger and resentment practically radiates from them. Reading this feels like music that is slowly getting louder with each little act of rebellion until, hopefully in later chapters, it will reach into a big crescendo where the characters finally had enough. 

Thank you for the update, keep up the amazing work!


Welcome back, Realpowermind! Thank you for taking the time to comment again, and my apologies for the cliffhanger. 😅 To be fair, I had much of chapters 8 and 9 already written when I first published this story. Now I’m feeling the pressure a little more, lol.

And you’re correct, everything is building toward an inevitable conflict, which may be coming sooner than you expect. 👀 Thank you again for the lovely comment, I love hearing from you!


Just call me Power or Powermind! Take as much time as you need for the chapters, I'm sure they'll be good no matter how long. I'm just glad you're working on this IF because like we've discussed before, there are so many unfinished IFs on

Now you got me intrigued for what's in store 🤔 May I ask how many chapters you plan on making this?

It's great hearing from you too! Love the new artwork Isabela made, by the way.

Hello, Power! There are 12 chapters planned but 12 is going to be a big one. I may split it up once I get into it. May depend on what readers want, too—whether you’d prefer updates or just wait to drop the end of the story, lol.

Thank you for your comment and I’m glad you enjoyed Isabela’s new artwork!


After realizing how long I've laid in bed at night thinking about this particular IF, I knew I had to make an account to share my thoughts. The lore, the cast, the story! The journal entries at the beginning of each chapter left me hungry for so much more, and I'm afraid I'm going to find myself opening and closing this page like a refrigerator door—with hopes that maybe, just maybe, it'll become a case of Schrödinger's update.

I was instantly captivated by Robin and their route. As a gender non-conforming person myself, it was super heartwarming to see representation like this in an IF this well written and cared for. All of that aside, I think I would have fallen in love with them either way. Each character is written so well and with so much care that it's hard not to love all of them.

Heron’s route was super sweet as well, although I may be a bit biased as I always find myself loving the routes that involve a romance blossoming from a childhood friendship. Every route is just so delicately crafted and handled so beautifully in its own, wondrous way. I could go on and on about each individual character and how much each of them have infatuated me, but I'll spare you the trouble. We wouldn't want this comment to take up too much space, after all!

I'll definitely be an avid promoter of this work, and by all hell is it deserving of the praise. I've already talked my friends' ears off with all my over enthusiastic rants about Viatica. This story has also been tempting me to write my own IF,  almost to a worrying degree... Maybe if I figure out how to code one, hah! 

Praise be to this amazing work of fiction! 


Oh my goodness, I don’t even know where to begin, but first off… THANK YOU!! That was a lovely and well thought out comment and my cheeks hurt by how much I’m grinning. 😁 I am touched that you created an account just to share your thoughts!

I’m so glad you’re enjoying the characters, particularly Robin, and that you found their route authentic. At the risk of over sharing… much of their character and dialogue is actually straight from the mouth of my son, a trans man, and his own journey of identity, and I couldn’t have told Robin’s story without his help. (He was stoked to read your comment, btw!)

Thank you for telling your friends about this IF, it’s very much appreciated! I promise the updates will be regular-ish. 😅 Chapter 10 has been difficult to write because it’s a fairly emotional chapter, but it’s nearly done, then I just need to code and proofread it.

And you should definitely write your own IF! I encourage you to check out Twine: Chapbook. It’s been very easy to learn, partly because the creator made a detailed, comprehensive how-to guide for it, which even included notes on how to add music.

Thank you again, I appreciate your support! ❤️


This is such an intresting concept if you ever do make a book i would read it in a heartbeat!!!

Thank you!! Don’t know that I’d ever have the time to devote to writing a book, but I appreciate the sentiment!

(1 edit) (+3)

if there was some way to financially contribute to the game, I'd totally do it because Robin is a bae and I still think about them sometimes a few weeks after I've completed the available chapters :")


Aww, thank you so much for that! Honestly, your comment here is a great contribution and encouragement for me. (But if there was some way to contribute time and hours in a day, I’d be all over that.) 😅  I’m glad you enjoyed Robin’s route—they seem to get less attention than the other routes and I’m happy to hear they have their fans, too. Thanks for your support!


This was SO good! The story was really touching. I love how despite the world being so harsh and cruel you manage to create such a hopeful and warm story. I can't wait for more!


Thank you, I'm glad to hear that! That's what I wanted to convey. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment!


OMG!! this is the best game EVER! I can't wait for more❤️


Thank you so much!!


This is so good, and unexpectedly very... I don't know how to say it, engaging? I guess? Like, it almost feels like I am really a part of the world when I read the story. I've done Lion's route so far and I think I'll wait until the story is completed before I do everyone else's🤔 but yeah, I'm looking forward to the future updates!!


Thank you very much, I’m glad you felt immersed in the story! I try not to play faves (but Lion totally is) and I’m glad you enjoyed his route. The story will be finished this year and it won’t be terribly long, so you can easily play multiple routes once completed. I hope to release chapter 10 in a couple of weeks, 3 weeks tops. Thank you for your support!

(1 edit) (+3)

Oh I Absolutely ADORE This! I've Only Done Lion's Route So Far But I'm For Sure Going Try Them All At Least Once! I Love This Story And Can't Wait To See More! :D


Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


this was absolutely beautiful. how many chapters are you planning to make? I'd love to see more!

(1 edit) (+3)

Hello and thank you! There’s actually not a lot left. Chapter 10 is sort of the beginning of the end. There will at least be 12 chapters, though I may break chapter 12 into two smaller chapters. I was actually trying to plot it out just last night.


awe I'll be sad when it ends.. are you planning on making more stories? your writing is one of the best I've seen on itch, i got really immersed into the story huhu

(1 edit) (+3)

Aww, thank you! ❤️ I would love to write another; this one has reignited my love of writing and been a good break for me. But I'd have to really think hard about a story I both want to tell, and have time to tell, lol. I don't want to commit to anything I won't realistically have time for. But I really appreciate your words, it means a lot, thank you!


I love love love this!! The writing in this is some of the best I have ever seen and it is definitely one of my favourite IFs. The characters all have their own quirks and personalities and the post-apocalyptic stuff (which I don't normally like) is actually really well done here.

Definitely looking forward to seeing more <3


Thank you so much! I’m glad I could win over someone to the post-apocalyptic side, lol. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment!


I’m going to cry I love this sorry so much, it’s amazing and you did such a good job making it!


Ah, no, if you cry, then I’ll cry, and… there will be a lot of crying, lol.

Thank you so much for your lovely comment, I’m glad you’re enjoying it!


Did I just create an account to leave a comment? Yes... yes I did... ahAm.

Just wanted to say that the story had me completely hooked and it caught me off guard because  I never tought that a post apocalyptic world would intrigue me so much. But it's (sorry Lion) very well written and got me good.

Another note, immediately when I saw Herons art before I played the game I though "hah he looks like my brother" *plays the game* "oH-" 


Did I just squeal like a dolphin reading your comment? Yes… yes I did.

I am so flattered that you took the time to create an account and share your wonderful comment here, thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story and I can’t wait to show you more! And I love the irony with Heron, lol. Thank you, again!


I love this game so much! Its one of the best interactive fictions I've read. I have played this multiple times but the RO choice I like the most is ferret. I really can't wait to see more of this story and see how these wonderful characters grow! 


Thank you very much, that’s quite the compliment! And I’m pleased to see Ferret getting some love! Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment!


oh my goodness this was absolutely frkn wonderful!!!! Than you for sharing with us!!


Aww, thank you, you are very welcome! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!


stayed up very late on a work night to play this to the most recent chapter, and i am so in love with your world. the writing, the characters, the relationships and dynamics and dialogue - everything is so well-written and captivating!!!! i love the childhood friend reveal (which is a trope i am a sucker for) and am so excited to see what's coming next!! thank you for sharing such an awesome IF :'''))) <3 


Thank you for your kind words, my apologies for keeping you up late! 😆 I’m such a sucker for the childhood friend trope, too!


This game is so good oh my goddd. The worldbuilding is wonderful and the characters are just AUGHHG chef's kiss. I can't wait for another update!!


Thank you so much for your comment and for reading!


Absolutely in love with this. You've breathed life into this story and brought excitement I haven't felt in a long time. The pacing is wonderful, the characters are well-rounded and easy to attach to, and just...everything! I could think of a thousand things to say about this IF.

I started with Heron last night and went back to play Lion this morning. When I get a chance, I intend to play through both Ferret and Robin as well!

Thank you for taking the time to put your love into your work and these characters. It shows in everything you do and has thoroughly inspired me. I'm excitedly waiting for updates!


Oh my goodness, thank you so much for your kind words! ❤️ I’m glad you enjoyed both Heron’s and Lion’s routes. Lion will always be my boo, my canon, but writing Heron as an RO and exploring his character more has been so much fun. All of them, really. They were nice as friends, but making them ROs has revealed new layers to their personalities that I never explored before. I do recommend playing all eventually!

And thank YOU for inspiring me! Six months ago VIATICA was just a memory, but discovering interactive fiction and seeing the amazing work that creators like you are putting forth in the world, inspired me to do the same. And it’s revitalized my love for this story and writing in general. So, thank you, too! 🫶🏻


Just wow. I love IFs and have read many, and your story easily has become one of my favorites. I can't wait to see where this goes


Thank you for your kind words!


What a great game! Absolutely loved the writing, world building, and characters. Robin was my romance choice and I adore them! Can't wait to see more.


Thank you so much! You’re the first to mention Robin’s route, I’m glad you chose them!

I’ve been eyeing 👀 Ardency. Judging from the comments and synopsis it sounds like a great deal of emphasis on characters and relationships, which is exactly what I look for in stories above all else. It means a lot that you took the time to comment here, thank you!

Yes I loved them! Seriously can't wait to see where their romance story goes! And thank you for checking out Ardency of course <3


Damn. I'm a nepo baby-



I just snorted into my coffee. 😂 Let’s word it as, your father is merely very insightful for having recognized your skills and attributes at a young age. 😉


My healers new anthem is Nepo Baby by Fox Szn (




As a mother, I feel the need to point out that biting your computer isn’t healthy.

As a writer… omg thank you!! I’m glad you enjoyed it. You are so awesome, too!




Ik the guards had to be related to someone! OMG wonderful job 🙌🏿 10/10


Haha, I loved reading this! Thank you so much, I’m glad you enjoyed it!


love love LOOOOVE THIS!!! now i want to read your novella because the world building is amazing!!

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you so much! I’m not sure the novella will ever see the light of day because CRINGE. I wrote it when I was 19 and my writing and world views have matured since. I knew the kind of story I wanted to tell back then, but now I can finally put those themes and ideas into words much better than before.

And honestly the fact of being a mom to 2 insightful and empathetic teens has helped shape the story. Much of Robin for example is straight from the mouth of my son and his own personal journey of identity, and I couldn’t have written it 25 years ago.

Sorry if that went too deep and personal, but I love talking about this! And I really appreciate your support, thank you!


no worries!! i always love to hear stories abt how authors started their stories. it's really inspiring to me. can't wait for the next chapter!

(1 edit) (+2)

Wooow, I loved it ! So much revelations ! God !
I'm very very much into the story. I love the way you build your world. Also I love every single character and I can feel that at some point something terrible is gonna happen and I'm soooo not ready for that ><
I may begin to translate this, it could be interesting and it's not that long ! (I'm french and I love translating stuff, especially stories I love) I mean I won't do anything with it, it's just for fun ! although, if I ever finish it I'll gladly give it to you
I'm really curious about the rest of the story now :)


Hello and thank you! I am honored and very appreciative of the fact that you’d translate this. Please don’t go to any trouble, but if you’d like to do it for fun then by all means. ☺️

I’m glad you like the characters, I am quite fond of them too, lol. And you’re very insightful as far as what the story is building toward.  All I can say is… 

pause for very minor spoiler…

The City is not forgiving. Hold onto your butts for Chapter 10.  😉


to be completely honest, this is the story that got me back into fully reading IFs instead of skimming them. My heart feels heavy when reading certain aspects (Ferret :( ), and simply the idea of these poor people suffering just has my body feeling heavy. I'm so excited for the next updates !! this is an absolutely Amazing story, thank you so much for putting this out into the world. :3 !!


Oh wow, this is an incredible compliment, thank you! I love that the characters resonate with you. This story has always been special to me and I never thought I'd have the opportunity to write it like this, never mind the response and encouragreement I've received. Thank you so much!

(2 edits) (+7)

not me refreshing this page every 20 minutes for the new spicy update 👀




Glad it's not just me 👀


Lol, the spice was simmering!

You all are awesome and I hope the new chapters are worthy of your patience! 




Nay, I only accept firstborns! 😆

Omg I loved this comment and your support! You seriously made my day!! I want to do one last read through tonight after work. I promise it will be worth the wait! 


Angel, my kids are DYING of laughter right now, like holding their sides, gasping for breath laughter. I had no idea you were quoting a meme in this comment and they are LOSING THEIR MINDS 🤣


HAHAHAH im glad to be of service!!! its our fellow gen z brains at work 😆😆

YARN | Plus, hey, you can always just disintegrate me with water. | Gravity  Falls (2012) - S01E07 Animation | Video clips by quotes | e828f4de | 紗


I truly loved it ! (and admire you for writing it). I'll wait diligently for the next chapters :)


Thank you, that’s very kind! New chapters tomorrow, just doing a final read through!


I love this SO MUCH! The world building is really interesting and I like everyone in the circle. Can't wait for the rest of the story :D


Aw, thank you so much for reading and commenting! I’m glad you’re enjoying it!


I love this already, the plot is so interesting ! I have a question however, there is a moment where we have to choose our love interest and we are locked in their "route", if i refuse to choose anyone am i locked out of all their route or will i have another chance later ?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, and thank you! I’m afraid that’s it; if you don’t choose there, then yes, you are locked out of their routes.


Love this so far. Just wondering if you’ll ever add save and load features? 


Thank you for reading, but I’m afraid I can’t. I built this using Chapbook and it doesn’t offer a save/load game functionality like other Twine formats do.


This is a gem! I am instantly hooked and very invested in all the characters. It’s so well-written and it has good pacing. The music complements the whole experience so well too. I’m so excited to read more of it!


Thank you so much! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story and characters!


OMG, I was replaying the story just to see some things again and I think I figured out something about MC's family. I'm not going to say anything I'll wait patiently until it's revealed. I'm so hyped rn.


Hi! Thank you for returning and replaying! And I’m glad you find it intriguing; there will definitely be more on that in the next update. 😉

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