Chapter 11 is Live!

Happy Veterans Day and Remembrance Day, everyone! And also happy Chapter 11 day!

Some people mentioned having trouble playing from a previous save when I added chapter 10, so you may have to restart the game with this update, I'm not sure. Apologies if you do.

There are a lot of branches and variables I had to take into account in this chapter. I’ve tried to test as many routes and combinations as possible, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I missed something. Please feel free to report any bugs, screenshots are helpful.

I've been updating monthly but I'm afraid I'll be unable to keep that up. Chapter 12 is a doozy with several branches and variables. I won't be able to finish it by the end of the year as I had planned, especially with the holidays coming up. Rest assured it won't be a huge delay, and I hope this sustains you until then.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement! I can not express enough how much I appreciate it, thank you!

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Nov 11, 2024


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I finally had time to read this chapter! It’s just too good!!


Absolutely amazing. I'm in suspense for the next chapter!


This chapter was so good.. And the Robin scene was beautiful I almost cried